1.Form Alliances
Get thinking about anyone you know in business who has the same target market (customers/clients) as you and get together with them for a coffee and form an alliance.
Eg. The local hair salon in a small shopping centre  could form an alliance with the local café. Every time someone has their hair done they receive a discount card for the café and vice versa every time someone buys something from the café they recieve a discount card for the hair dresser. These two businesses have the same customers because they are in the same vicinity.

$ Investment – FREE (apart from the small fee to have the cards made)

2.Get Networking
You may not have needed to in the past but times are tough and we’re all in the same boat and we all know we need to network more!
Check out your local BEC, Chamber of Commerce and SWAP chapters and head along to a talk/workshop or breakfast, some of these are free some you have to pay.
Remember, people go to networking functions to network so don’t feel embarrassed to go up to people and say hello – don’t forget your business cards!
$ Investment – FREE/Some events you have to pay.

3.Write an Article
Try your hand at penning some newsworthy info about you or your area of business eg.”What hairstyles are cool for winter 09?”. Find a niche publication or a local paper and write about how your product/service or industry can help people feel better, look better, feel more energetic etc in tough times.
There are lots of tips on the internet about how to construct an article. Include a photo of you, your name and what you do. Don’t plug your business though, if you include your photo and name the journalist may want to interview you and then ask you what your business name is. Either way you are increasing your personal brand which is crucial.
$ Investment – FREE

4.Free Offers  To Your Customers That Cost You Next to Nothing
Everyone should have a website and in tough times you need to nurture your existing relationships. Put an offer on your homepage or email your existing database something like “Print this page and bring it into the Salon to receive free highlights on your next visit”. (Keeping with the hairdresser theme!). This then allows you to upsell, continue the ‘relationship’ and alert them to your products and services once they come into your  business. If you’re a consultant, offer a 20 minute free  session face to face which allows you to network and build a relationship. Free offers  then give you permission to market to these new prospects.
Don’t forget social networks like LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook to post your free offers and remind people of your business and continue building relationships.
$ Investment – FREE

5.Free Info Session
Why not hold a free info session with lunch provided at your shop/office for other business owners in your area, potential prospects, people on your database or people who come into your shop, existing and past clients and inform  them more  about what you do and what you can help them with.
I recently attended a free info session called ‘Lunch ‘N’ Learn’ and it was a fabulous afternoon where people came along to hear what the business owner had to say and learn more and ask questions. It really was a lovely afternoon.
As an incentive for coming to the info session you could offer a free blow-dry, a free measure and quote (whatever line of business you’re in).
If you don’t have a premises you could ask a friend in business who does have a venue and then cross promote for them or you and another business owner could hire a small venue and split the cost.
$ Investment – FREE/Varied

Final word…
There are always free ways to market and they often depend on you getting up and taking action. So take action today or someone else will first!